Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Recap of the last few weeks!

The last few weeks have been very busy with lots of fun activities. We did a bunch of things that I forgot to take pictures of (as usual) such as going to Safari park and out to lunch with Mallory and Penelope, going to target and trying in n out for the first time with grammie, and lots more but here are some of the fun things I did manage to take pictures of!

Went to Safari Park with Grammie.
(It was so hot we had to strip Thatcher down to his onesie!)

Went to visit Pops at work.
He even let Thatcher try out the phone!

Went to lunch with Shea and B.
Thatcher even stole a kiss from B!!

Played with Dad on his lunch break.

Thatcher got to meet Mr. Neglia (Mike) Jimmys college roommate who is a missionary
in Ireland with his wife and son!

Tried on Dads sunglasses!

Found a new cozy spot to play.

Played with Dad when he got home from work.
Do you see the pure joy in Thatchers face? So sweet.


  1. that picture under the bed is amazing!!! and the last one of him and jimmy is so sweet...frame it!
