Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday Family Fun Day. Projects.

This afternoon Jimmy and I were bored so we decided to do two projects. We love changing up the decor of our house! Plus a lot of our furniture is found furniture so why not switch it up?

Project one. Turn our former orange and wood coffee table, turned chalk board coffee table into a tufted cushioned ottoman so when Thatcher starts to crawl he won't hurt himself on the sharp edge.

Project two. Jimmy wanted to build a tent for the three us to read stories and hang out under.



Road Trip 2011 Part 2.

Recap: Saturday morning after coffee and a nice walk on the pier in SB, it began to rain so we decided it was the perfect time to head up to SLO to wait for the Z fam and my parents.

When we got into SLO after it raining on and off for the drive up, we went to our hotel to try to check in and get shelter from the rain. Sadly we were informed that the room would not be ready for a few hours. We decided to go to my favorite place to eat in SLO Gus's. YUM.

We have not been to SLO for almost two years and it was so good to be back. Even though I did not go to school there, I slightly feel like I did. I made friends with all of Lisa's friends and I even went to women's retreat with Cal Poly Campus Crusade. Lisa lived in SLO for I think 7 years, so it very much feels like a place I spent a lot of time at. I will say it was VERY weird to be in SLO without Lisa at my side or even in the town. I have never been there without my sissy and it was good to know she was on her way to meet us!

After lunch it really began to rain so we ended up feeding Thatcher Ace in the car and then we headed to the worlds largest Forever 21. It was the only place I new we could escape the rain and walk around for an hour. After lots and lots of "window shopping" we called our hotel and our room was ready.

When we got to our room we noticed that it was way bigger than we had anticipated. There were two bedrooms! This was especially nice because since we packed an air mattress this meant that we could all stay in the same room, which made late night hang outs way better!

Jimmy, Thatcher and I rested for a little and were soon met by my parents. We then all hung out for a little while and then it was time to go to Firestone to meet up with the Z fam. My dad and Lisa love firestone so they were very excited to be eating dinner there. After dinner we walked around downtown (it had stopped raining!) got frozen yogurt and went to the candy store then went back to the hotel to watch some Dateline.

Saturday morning the little guys woke up pretty early. They were staying in the room with my mom and dad so it was kind of nice to get a few extra minutes of snoozing in. Once we were all up and ready we headed across the street to the apple farm for breakfast. They have the yummiest jam that comes with their biscuit. So yummy I asked for another side and then was given a huge bowl of it and charged for the extra. Oops!

After breakfast it was still really early so we went back to the hotel for a little rest for Thatchy. We then decided to go to Avila Farm to walk around. Before we went to the farm we stopped by the Spooners to say hello to Jennie and Sarah and Mrs. and Mr. Spooner before the wedding. The farm was so fun! We took lots of fun pictures (lots!), walked around the store, and looked at the animals. The air was so crisp it really made for a perfect fall day!

After the farm we headed back to Gus's for another lunch. YUM again! After lunch we went downtown to walk around for a little bit before heading back to the hotel so mom and dad could get ready for the wedding. Thatcher was such a trooper. He was very much off of his schedule he even fell asleep in the stroller which is a rarity these days.

Lisa and I dropped my mom and dad off at the wedding while Scott and Jimmy went mountain bike riding. Lisa, Wy, Thatcher and I wanted to go to Urban but their elevator was broken. Lame. So we did some more walking around before walking to the church to "spy" on the wedding. We decided we wanted to get close to the chapel but we had to go up stairs so we one at a time lifted both stollers up the stairs, while practically peeing our pants laughing because we were in some strange couples engagement photos with their dogs. (I promise it was funnier than it sounds). Soon after that Sarah sees us and tells Beth the bride to wave at us, right as the church bells go off and Lisa and I bonk our strollers into each other. I don't think it comes across as funny as it was in person. We were dying of laughter! Thats why I love my sissy, we are ALWAYS laughing!

The boys met us downtown after their ride,and we grabbed my parents and headed back to the hotel where we packed up all of our stuff and hit the road. It was a very quick but VERY fun trip! The next time I see my sis she will be in LABOR!!! Baby girl is coming soon. I CAN NOT wait!!!! It was so good to be able to have this last get together!

Dad, Mom, Sis, Scott and Wy- Thanks for spending the weekend with us. We love you guys!

Gus's! How I have missed you!

Laughing while waiting for Grandpa and Grammie to get to the hotel!

Walking to The Apple Farm.

Avila Farm.

The Robesons.

The Zaballos.

Grandpa and Grammie.
(and their guys!)


My Peeps.

Wyatt and Thatcher.
(Best Friends.)

Walking downtown.

Sleepy Guys.

Road Trip 2011 Part 1.

This past weekend Jimmy, Thatcher and I took a road trip to Santa Barbara and then continued up to San Luis Obsipo. It was so fun to take a quick trip out of town for the weekend. The road trip was planned because my parents had a wedding to attend in SLO and Lisa, Scott and Wyatt decided to drive down to visit with my parents in SLO because Scott and Lisa love to visit SLO and it would be the last time they could see my parents before baby girl is born. When I heard this I kindly invited my family to join the party in SLO (of course everyone was happy to have us come up too).

Thursday Jimmy took a half day so we could hit the road early. We got all of our stuffed packed into the car, ran a few last minute errands and then we were on the road by 12:45. Our destination was Santa Barbara to visit with our dear friends the Jacks, Joel, Kevin and Kelsie. Brooke was one of my best friends in high school and her and Danny who I also knew in high school got married this summer when we were in Mexico, and we haven't seen them as a married couple so it was going to be fun to see them. They were also gracious enough to let us crash at their house for a night. We were making really good time, getting to Newbury Park around 2:45. It was then we realized one important thing we forgot at home. Our Stroller. Oops! Luckily we found a babies r us and stopped to get an umbrella stroller and to feed Thatcher. He actually loves riding in an umbrella stroller, so it ended up being a good 20$ investment!

We were back on the road around 3:30 and made it to SB around 5:00. We drove over to Brooke and Danny's house, which has adorable style I might add! They had arranged with Kevin, Joel, and Kelsie to meet us at mexican restaurant for dinner. We enjoyed a yummy meal together and then hit up yogurtland for dessert! Thatcher was a trooper. He was completely off of his schedule but managed to hang out with everyone really well! After yogurt we went back to the Jacks and all hung out catching up on life. After everyone left Jimmy,Thatcher and I practically moved into the Jacks house. Traveling with a baby, you end up bringing so much stuff, plus our stuff, plus a super awesome but intense blow up mattress. We had a good laugh while getting ready for bed as we were taking over the living room!

Day light savings time has been a little tricky for Thatcher. He used to wake up between 7:30-8:00 but now wakes up between 6:00-7:00. Friday morning he woke up around 6:15 so we got hime in bed with us and I fed him. We then tried to be as quest as possible while getting ready. Joel works at a really cool coffee shop called French Press so we decide to go there to visit him again and to grab breakfast. By the time we got there it was around 7:40 and Thatcher was getting pretty tired so we got some yummy food and coffee and then walked around while Thatcher slept. It then started to rain while we were out so we decided to just head on up to SLO where we would meet up with my parents and the Zaballos family later in the day.

It was so nice to catch up with old friends and to be in Santa Barbara. I think SB is the one place other than San Diego I would love to live! Part 2 of the road trip coming soon!

Thatcher loving his new ride.

Thatcher and Auntie Brookie.

Thatchy and Auntie Kelsie.

Beautiful coffee made by Joel.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Catch Up Through Photos.

Jimmy, Thatcher and I have been having a lot of fun around town lately. I can't really remember every detail from the last week or so but I do know we are loving experiencing life as a family of three. Here are a few photos of what life looks like for the Robeson Family!

Played mustache dress up before bed.

Walked to the park on a cozy fall day.

Splashed in the Bumbo.

Hung out with Dad after work.

Tried water. Not too sure about it.

Wore a bow-tie. Why not?

Thatchers TWO teeth began to show when he smiles!

Went for brisk morning family walks.

Got new pants. Thanks Grammie!

Had fun laughing before church, fell asleep on the way home, and woke up in a really happy mood for cozy Sundays!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

6 Month Check Up.

Friday Thatcher had his 6 month check up with Dr. Whitman. I am happy to say that we had a very good report! Dr. Whitman was happy to hear that we were introducing Thatcher to solid food, and was also happy to see that he had two teeth! It was a fairly normal check up, I had a few questions regarding allergies which the doctor reassured me that Thatcher at this point had none. Thatcher did get a few shots, which I may add this time was especially sad. Janet our normal nurse did not do our shots this time and the nurse that did was slow as molasses giving shots. Poor guy just laid there screaming as she put the band-aid on then slowly gave him another shot then band-aid then another shot then band-aid. It broke my heart to hear him screaming so hard. Other than that the appointment was fairly short and normal. We were happy to hear Dr. Whitman tell us that Thatcher is ahead of average on getting his teeth (the average being 7 month), and he was also very pleased to hear that Thatcher was rolling around from back for stomach and vise versa. And now for Thatcher Ace's stats at 6 months- he weighs 16 pounds 13 ounces and is in the 39%, he is 27 inches long and is in the 72% for height, and his head is 43 cm and is in the 30%. From his last appointment his head has not grown a whole lot but Dr. Whitman said that the head is the trickiest measurement to get because every nurse takes it from a different spot, but he said it was totally normal. If everything goes as planned we will not be seeing Dr. Whitman until February when Thatcher is 9 months!

And now a few photos of our 6 month old goose!
