Last week Thatcher Ace turned 9 months!! I can't believe it. He is closer to being a year old than being a new baby. He is also starting to look much older in comparison to the two new babes in the family! He is officially no longer the baby!
Friday we went to the doctor to get Thatchers 9 month check up. Everything went really well and he got a clean bill of health! His stats are- height 28 1/4 inches 52 %, weight 19 pounds 1.7 ounces 27%, and head circumference 45 1/4 cm 49%, and he has 6 teeth now! 6, I can't believe it! Our doctor was very pleased with Thatchers stats and told us he was good to go until his 1 year check! There were no shots at this appointment (phew!) just a heal prick to test his iron levels and he passed free and clear!
I just love my little goose so much! It is so fun to see his daily progression and growing up right in front of my eyes. He is very close to crawling and is very good and fast at scooting. He now eats everything that Jimmy and I have for meals (yay!), knows to scoot over to me and lift his arms up if he wants to be picked up, drink out of a sippy cup, self-plays and always ends up playing looking out the window, loves playing peek-a-boo, and knows where his favorite toy is in his room. He is just the sweetest little guy with the most fun and joyful personality. It is such a daily blessing to be able to be his mom and to watch him grow. He has also been snuggling me and falling asleep on me lately which I have been LOVING!
And now for a bunch of photos of my little goose at 9 months!
Such a happy funny boy!!!! Grammie loves her Thatcher!